Fiction Editor Application

 jmww is currently looking for an Associate Fiction Editor! (Please note this is a volunteer position.) The editor will be responsible for reading submissions and offering light edits. You will have the option to do more like solicit work, promote the journal on social media, and even become solo reader for one month throughout the year! There will be a lot of space to grow and test your potentials as a fiction editor.

We are looking for highly organized, enthusiastic additions to our team. Editors should be able to read a minimum of 10 submissions a week and commit up to 5 hours a month. Experience with Submittable, Twitter, and WordPress are a plus. A 1-year commitment also goes a long way. Please upload your CV, a short cover letter, and a favorite short story. We will be reviewing applications over the next few weeks!

We use Submittable to accept and review our submissions.